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    Properties of Crystals

    Excerpts from "Love is in the Earth"
    by Melody 

    Click to purchase Love is in the Earth now


     Agate provides for the balancing of yin-yang energy. It both stabilizes and cleanses the aura. It is said to stimulate analytical capabilities and perceptiveness to situations. It opens the pathways for communication  and activates clairaudient capabilities.


     Amazonite acts to soothe and pacify the emotions, calm the nerves and eliminates aggravation and negative energies. It soothes all the chakras and rejuvenates the heart chakra.


     Amethyst is the stone of meditation and is useful in spiritual healing. It is also known as the "stone of spirituality and contentment. It has been used throughout time as an aid in promoting sobriety. It also enhances cooperation, imparting a soothing, calming and tranquilizing influence. Keeping a piece by the bedside is believed to facilitate peaceful and insightful dreams.


     The Chevron Amethyst is known to display some of the deepest colors of the purple hue. In addition to the healing, meditative and spiritual properties of the amethyst, the chevron is used to facilitate the perception and interpretation of the aura. It also aids in diagnostic and therapeutic techniques of cleansing the aura. This has been noted with Kirlian photography after using the chevron amethyst. Placing the chevron on the chakras helps to release tension in those areas. An excellent stone for "journeying" and for inner-self evaluation and evolution.


    The blending of Citrine and Amethyst disperses negativity from the aura and fills the voids with energizing and stabilizing qualities of pure energy and light. Facilitates the removal of blockages in all bodies. Ametrine works quickly in all areas, the Amethyst raising the clearing quality of Citrine to a higher level of vibration while expanding at the same time.

     Amethyst is the stone of meditation and is useful in spiritual healing. It is also known as the "stone of spirituality and contentment. It has been used throughout time as an aid in promoting sobriety. It also enhances cooperation, imparting a soothing, calming and tranquilizing influence.

     Citrine is one of the two minerals on the planet which does not hold or accumulate negative energy. It never needs to be cleared or cleansed. It is called the "merchant's stone" as it promotes acquisition of wealth. Together, these two minerals stimulate the intellect, disperse negative energy from the aura, releases mental, physical, emotional and spiritual blockages and provide a balancing of the male/female energies.


     Anhydrite helps one to develop stamina and provide for loving communication. It enhances understanding and provides energy for "glad acceptance". It assists in helping one accept that which may come tomorrow.


     This combination of minerals comes exclusively from the Czech republic. Anthrophyllite crystallizes in layers of thin plates. It is used to teach one that the bonds, restrictions and constraints placed upon a person are self-imposed and easily discarded. It helps one to decide, with the heart, what is truly important. Muscovite stimulates the heart chakra and allows the layers of insecurities and uncertainties to disperse. It can be used to lessen self-doubt. The energy of Muscovite brings quick-thinking, succinct and concise expression of one feelings and comfort in the exploration of emotional pain. It strengthens the intuitive process and activates awareness of the higher self.



     Apatite is related to service and the development of humanitarian is attuned to healing, stored information, communication, balancing energy and teaching. Apatite enhances creativity.



     Apophyllite is found in pseudo-cubic crystals, granular masses, natural pyramidal structures and as druse upon another mineral. Apophyllite is said to create a conscious connection between the physical and spiritual realms. It allows one to recognize and act upon the truth. It facilitates astral travel providing a clear, definite connection. It activates the heart chakra, providing energy and forthright-ness in decisions of the heart. It helps to bring light and energy to ones being and love to ones heart.

     Apophyllite is a healer's stone, first and fore­most. It is categorized with other important minerals in the Auric Cleanser division of the Spiritual Apothecary.  It principally ef­fects and operates on the auric field of ani­mal bodies. Therefore, its physical effects of supporting body and tissue fluid balance, the liver and the kidneys is produced through resonance and transmission from the auric field. It is a stone which immediately alters conscious awareness into intuitive sensing, but requires time for physical effects to be noticed. It is effective in all activities where heightened intuitive awareness is required, and is not recommended for daily wearing.

     As a dimorphic, perceptual analysis tool, Apophyllite connects this realm of reality with extraterrestrial realities. The term, dimorphic perceptual analyzer, is used in the technical jargon of extraterrestrial space pilots, such as ones from Arcturus, to refer specifically to the shift in consciousness which occurs between dimensions during space travel. There is a haze filter effect to this mineral, which is excellent to counteract communications static as well as visual and intuitive fogginess caused by fatigue. This is the dimorphic quality its "two­shape" essence. To enhance concentration, apophyllite, or the dimorphic perceptual analyzer, allows unnecessary information to be taken out of a given space continuum which is the same as filtration or static reduction. This mineral is highly prized by space travelers of the truly interdimensional genre rather than the imaginary/conceptual spiritual genres

    Apophyllite (clear crystal formations) is said to create a conscious connection between the physical and spiritual realms. It allows one to recognize and act upon the truth. It facilitates astral travel providing a clear, definite connection.

    It is often found in formations with Zeolite and Stilbite.



     AquaAura is created by taking a piece of clear quartz and enhancing it with pure gold, the molecules of which adhere to the natural electric charge which surround the quartz crystal. Aqua Aura activates the energy of other minerals for healing. It is used extensively to cleanse and smooth the aura, and to activate all chakras.


     Aquamarine is known as the "stone of courage". It enhances ones ability for rapid intellectual response. It also has a shielding property for the aura. It encourages the innate ability to "always be prepared". It helps judgmental people become more tolerant. It stimulates, activates and cleanses the throat chakra


     Aragonite provides for ease of centering oneself, especially during periods of stress and anger. It enhances patience and helps to maintain discipline.


     Aventurine is an excellent protector of the heart chakra. It provides a shield to block unwanted entry. It balances the male/female energies, enhances ones creativity and reinforces ones decisiveness.


     Azurite is known as a "stone of heaven", stimulating the pursuit of the heavenly self, providing for guidance and awakening of one's psychic development. It enhances creative ability and eliminates indecision. It mellows the intellect with love and helps one to communicate from the "heart space".


     Barite produces incentive to "go for" one's dreams without restraint. It enhances friendship, harmony and love and allows for the release of trapped emotions and feelings.


     Black Tourmaline is used to both repel and protect against negativity. It acts to protect one from being victimized by the negative energy of another. It provides for an increase in ones physical vitality and emotions stability. It is said to awaken our inner altruism.


    This is a wonderful stone for moving energies, as it aids in multi- directional energy distribution, separating and returning the energy at double its intensity. It amplifies one's own energy field and aids in helping the mind and body to remember.

    Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Simply having Calcite in a room cleans negative energies from the environment and heightens one's energy.


    Calcite alleviates emotional stress and replaces it with serenity.

    It is a stabilizing stone, enhancing trust in oneself and strengthening the ability to overcome setbacks.

    Calcite calms the mind, stimulates insights and boosts memory.  It is an excellent aid for study. 

    Calcite's wide spectrum of colors clears and energizes the physical and subtle bodies. Placing a layout of all the appropriate colors of Calcite on the corresponding Chakra Energy centers of the body cleanses, balances and energizes all of the Chakras. 


     In addition to the general properties of Calcite, the different colors of Calcite each have their own special properties also.


    Clear Calcite can be used at all of the chakras to amplify the energy field. 

    Clear Calcite is excellent for amplifying energy.

    It is a "cure-all" stone and brings the gift of deep soul healing and revitalization of the subtle bodies.  It opens and clears the inner and outer eyes. It is a great stone for students as it helps sharpen learning and retention of lessons learned. It enhances decision making by letting the holder see more clearly into situations leading to happiness and good fortune.

    Yellow or Golden Calcite - Great eliminator and stimulates the will. Its energy is uplifting, expansive and can enhance meditation inducing deep states of relaxation.  It stimulates the higher mind and can aid in linking to spiritual guidance.

    Use at the Crown and Solar Plexus Chakras.

    It is excellent for meditation and attuning to the higher mental planes. It instills mental alertness as it grounds the higher mental energies into the physical realm.

    Green Calcite ‑ eases mental and physical stress, cleanses and aids well‑being. It is a mental healer, dissolving rigid beliefs and old programs and restoring balance to the mind.

    Green calcite is a powerful simulator for the immune system.  Its green ray energy cools fevers, inflammation, calms the adrenals and soothes anger generated dis-ease.

     Red Calcite ‑ Increases energy, uplifts emotions aids willpower and opens the heart chakra.  It removes stagnant energy and dissolves blockages, and fear. Red calcite promotes confidence, courage and vitality.

    Blue Calcite ‑ enhances clarity and clear thinking, communication, and spiritual growth. It is a gentle stone for recuperation and relaxtion.  It lowers blood pressure and dissolves pain.  Blue is excellent for relief of back pain.

    Soothing to the nerves and lifting anxieties as it releases negative emotions.

    Used at the Throat Chakra, it aids clear communication especially where there is dissent.


    Emerald Green Calcite ‑ cleanses stagnant and blocked energy, aids in love of self and others. Helps sever old relationship habits and patterns and to let go of issues that may have stopped you from finding your true love or soul mate.

    Orange Calcite is highly energizing and cleansing, especially for the first three Chakras.  Orange calcite balances the emotions, removes fear and overcomes depression.  It dissolves problems and maximizes potential.

    It supports healing of the reproductive system, gallbladder and intestinal disorders.


    Pink Calcite is a heart crystal in contact with the angelic realm. It is a stone of forgiveness, it releases fear and greaf that keep the heart trapped in the past.  It thus promotes unconditional love. It aids self-worth and self-acceptance, heals nervous conditions and lifts tension and anxiety.

    Pink Calcites loving energy gently dissolves resistance. 



     This mineral comes from India and is a brilliant blue color. It is used to stimulate the intuition, instill second-sight and activate channeling abilities. It is an excellent stone for psychic healing and to provide protection. It is used to bring thoughtfulness to ones environment and assists in the removal of faulty thoughts and beliefs.


     Celestite is a very good crystal for mental activities. It is a stone of balance and promotes a pleasant disposition. It is a stone for astral travel and used widely for dream recall. It is a "bright hope" in days of despair, bringing calmness and harmony to ones life.



     This rich, vibrant rock glistens with iridescent blues, purples, greens, golds and reds. It is said that chalcopyrite is used to enhance ones abilities of perception.



     Charoite comes from only one place in the world, the Charo River in Russia. Charoite is definitely the stone for this age. It provides for synthesis between the heart and crown chakra. It sustains the attention span and is known as the stone for transformation.


     Chinese Fluorite dances with color, flooded with greens and purples and blues. Fluorite increases the ability to concentrate, balancing positive and negative relationships. Chinese fluorite is especially helpful in protecting

    against, and the amelioration of dis-ease.


     Chlorite is one of the most favorable healing stones. It is overwhelmingly positive. It brings the energy to enhance cooperation and stimulates ones personal affinity with "All". It is quite useful for cleansing the aura and chakras. It is excellent for dissipating dissenting energy.




     The Chinese Writing Rock, also known as Chrysanthemum Stone, is a mineral that is used to help one access information from ancient texts and the Akashic Records. It is and excellent stone for dreaming, assisting one into a dream state. It is a stone of re-affirmation, re-alignment and re- commitment. It helps one to adjust to change, accept responsibility and stimulate originality.



     Chrysocolla is said to help one become attuned to the earth, assist in communication, produce great inner strength, promote harmony, purify the home and eliminate negativity from within a person.



    Citrine is one of the two minerals on the planet which does not hold or accumulate negative energy. It never needs to be cleared or cleansed. It is called the "merchant's stone" as it promotes acquisition of wealth.



     Clevelandite brings the energy for conception of plans and for outlining and perfecting transactions. It stimulates the initiation of journeys and provides for safe passage. It furthers relationships and assists one in all undertakings.


     Cobalt calcite is a beautiful lustrous pink-rose-red often found in the form of crusts or small spherical masses. It is one of the most loving members of the mineral kingdom. It is truly the gift of love. It aids in the formation of friendships, activating and stimulating the heart chakra. It encourages positivity and dispels impulsive original thinking and manifestation. It also assists in producing stamina.negativity in the auric body. It acts as an energy vortex, enhancing all psychic abilities. It is used to induce deep relaxation and generate ideas and solutions.


     Diopside is used to stimulate the intellect and enhance academic learning. It also allows one to understand the duality within the self, being a good stone for healing for those who will not allow themselves to cry.


     Dolomite encourages charitable actions and relieves sorrow. It encourages energetic and


     The Emerald is the "stone of successful love". It is said to provide for domestic bliss instilling sensitivity and loyalty. It is also used to enhance the memory and increase mental capacity.


     Fuchsite is a mineral of rejuvenation and renewal. It is especially effective in maintaining physical well-being. The gentle energies of fuchsite can assist one to "bounce back" after tense or traumatic situations. When used with other stones in healing sessions, fuchsite promotes an increase in transfer of energy.


     Galena provides grounding and enhances the centering of ones energies. It is a "stone of harmony", stimulating interactions at all levels and decreasing self-limiting ideas.


     Garnet is the "stone of health", extracting negative energy from the chakras and transmuting the energy to the beneficial state. It is also known as the "stone of commitment" having loving powers that reflect the attributes of devotion.


     Green Fluorite brings cleansing, tidying and renewal of the chakras. Helps to diminish trauma in the emotional body and eliminate negativity. Fluorite increases the ability to concentrate, balancing positive and negative emotions.


     Hematite is called the "stone of the mind". It helps to sort things out and is used for mental attunement and memory enhancement. It provides for a calming atmosphere. Helps to keep the body cool, dispelling heat. It assists in the dissolution of negative energy and helps one to attain a "soft" meditative state.


     The Herkimer Diamond provides an energy of delicate harmony, enhancing distinct awareness and unbridled spontaneity. It helps one to "be". It is known as the "attunement stone".


     Infinite is a rather new find. Mined in Africa, it is believed by the natives that this stone has a broad spectrum, all-encompassing healing quality. In other words, this stone will heal whatever ails you. It is very soft to the touch and emits a gentle, soothing energy.



    Kyanite is one of the two minerals in the mineral kingdom that never needs cleansing or clearing. (The other being Citrine). It will NOT accumulate negative energy or vibrations.

     Kyanite brings tranquility and a calming effect to the whole being.

    It stimulates communication and phychic awareness on all levels.

    Kyanite dispels anger, frustration and confusion.

    Kyanite facilitates Clarity.

      It is said to align the chakras automatically and can open the chakras if the wearer consciously directs it . It has a tranquilizing effect and is known to facilitate meditative states.



     Labradorite or Spectralite is said to represent the "temple of the stars" It provides for the understanding of the destiny that one has chosen. It protects ones aura, helping to keep the aura clear, balanced and protected, free from energy leaks. It displays spectral colors of peacock blue, coppery red and dusky gold due to the interference of light rays from the plate-like composition. 


     Lapis Lazuli is combination of minerals, primarily lazurite and calcite. In the more prized Afghanistan lapis, marked amounts of golden pyrite are present. Lapis Lazuli is said to have existed since "before time was born", assisting one in gaining admission to the domain of the unknown mysteries. It is the "stone of total awareness", helping to expand awareness and intellectual capacity. It also enables one to obtain relief from that which has been pressed into the shallow recesses of the mind, providing objectivity.

     It helps to overcome depression and enhance a state of serenity. It is also used as a protective stone, sheltering the wearer.



     Lemurian seed quartz is believed to be a gift from the earth from the far reaches of the ancient civilization of Lemuria. What appears to be a clouded appearance is, in fact, the growth lines or striations of the quartz over centuries and aeons. These striations appear to be lasered into the crystal, recording the ancient knowledge. It is believed that even though the physical civilization ended, the consciousness of Lemuria has never left, but has been kept alive in the earth with records of that precious knowledge being seeded in the crystal for later use.
     Many Lemurian crystals are also Laser Wands.


     Laser wands are used during meditations to facilitate finer communication. The energy of a laser wand is EXTREMELY well focused via the small termination. It is used to clear an area of negativity and create protective barriers. It also is known to beam healing energies to the self or another.


     Lepidolite is used for stress reduction and to alleviate despondency. It's energy is refreshing and almost sentimental. It is recognized as the "stone of transition". It is also excellent for business pursuits as it combines the energy of diplomacy with direction.


    Lepidolite clears electromagnetic pollution and should be placed on computers to absorb their emanations. When lepidolite is in its mica-like form its properties are greatly amplified, and becomes an efficient "mopping up" tool. Lepidolite insists on being used for the highest good.  It dissipates negativity. It activates and opens the thymus, heart, third eye*, and crown chakras*, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. This stone aids in shamanic or spiritual journeying and accesses the Akashic Record*. It tunes you in to thoughts and feelings from other lives that are creating a blockage in your life now. It can take you forward into the future.

    Lepidolite is extremely useful in the reduction of stress and depression. It halts obsessive thoughts, relieves despondency, and overcomes insomnia. Lepidolite contains lithium and is helpful in stabilizing mood swings and bipolar disorders. It is excellent for overcoming any kind of emotional or mental dependency, supportive in releasing from addict ions and complaints of all kinds, including anorexia. As a "stone of transition," it releases and reorganizes old psychological and behavioral patterns, inducing change.


     Magnesite provides for the fruition of one's unrecognized thoughts and ideas. It assists in visualization and imagery, promoting dynamic, revolutionary ideas. It relates to the "heart of silence", instilling peace during meditation and furthering the elimiation of deceit.


     Malachite is the "stone of transformation" assisting one in changing situations. It assists in clarifying emotions and clearing the chakras. It is an equalizing and balancing agent, leading one to their desired goal. It is a protective stone and represents fidelity in love and friendships. It is also very useful in successful business transactions.



     The geometric design that makes up the Merkaba Star has been known and utilized by civilizations in Atlantis, Lemuria, Tibet and name a few. This star is the pinnacle for energy capture, transmutation, transfer and focused discharge. The word is broken down by ancient Egyptians as; M(e)r = place of ascending, Ka = Spirit, Ba = Soul. Another translation is Mer = light, Ka = Spirit, Ba = Body. Merkaba has come to mean the "spirit body" surrounded by counter rotating fields of light (wheels within wheels), which is the vehicle to transport spirit body from one dimension to another. It is the divine light vehicle used by Masters to connect and reach those in tune with the higher realms. It is made up of 2 star tetrahedrons and is believed that we all possess a Merkaba field around us awaiting to be activated. The Merkaba serves to balance all the chakras and lead one into the whole.


    MOONSTONE           Excerpt from The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall   click to buy

    Moonstone is a "stone of new beginnings." As its name suggests, it is strongly connected to moon and to the intuition. Like the moon, the stone is reflective and reminds us that, as the moon waxes and wanes, so everything is part of a cycle of change. Its most power I nl effect is that of calming the emotions.

    Moonstone makes conscious the unconscious and promotes intuition and empathy. It encourages lucid dreaming, especially at the time of the full moon.

    Moonstone has traditionally been used to enhance psychic abilities and to develop clairvoyance*. It can be worn as a pendant to encouraging acceptance of your psychic gifts.

    Psychologically, Moonstone calms overreactions to situations and to emotional triggers. Moonstone is filled with receptive, passive, feminine energy. It balances male-female energies and aids men who want to get in touch with their feminine side. It is the perfect antidote for the excessively macho man or overly aggressive female.

    Mentally, Moonstone opens the mind to sudden and irrational impulses, serendipity, and synchronicity. Care has to be taken that it does not induce illusions in response to wishful thinking.

    Emotionally, Moonstone soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilizes the emotions. It improves emotional intelligence. Placed on I lie solar plexus, it draws out old emotional patterning so that it can be understood and then dissolved. Moonstone provides deep emotional healing and heals disorders of the upper digestive tract that are related lo emotional stress.

    Physically, Moonstone powerfully affects the female reproductive cycle and alleviates menstrual-related disease and tension. It is linked In the pineal gland and balances the hormonal system, stabilizes fluid unbalances, and attunes to the biorhythmic clock. It is helpful in cases of shock and can be used to calm hyperactive children



     Obsidian is a lustrous volcanic glass. It is an excellent grounding stone. It also provides a shield against negativity. It is quite useful in healing. Black Obsidian is used for "gazing" and to produce sincerity in action and insight into future scenes. Silver Sheen Obsidian is also used for"gazing" and acts to provide information concerning the "root" of the problem or situation. These energies seem to pierce the outer layer. It enhances patience and perseverance in chosen tasks.



    Opal amplifies one's traits and characteristics, thereby providing the impetus to overcome any less desirably qualities of ones self..  It is known as the "stone of happy dreams and changes".  The happy dreams arise from the understanding of one's personal higher potentials and inherent perfection.  The happy changes emanate from those events which allow ones aspirations to surface.

    Opal can awaken one's psychic and mystical qualities.

    Opal also can be used to instill faithfulness and loyalty in relationships, both personal and business.

    Blue Flame Opal supports and stimulates communication and assists one in finding the courage and freedom to voice unexpressed thoughts and feelings and the discernment and wisdom to recognize whom will accept these communications.


    Opalite  is a highly energetic but subtle stone. Psychically it helps with communication and interpretation of psychically received information of all kinds, including telepathic, channeled, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and others. It is excellent for removing energy blockages of the meridians and chakras. Tiffany Stone is helpful emotionally by assisting transitions during changes of all kinds, engendering persistence and emotional strength, and verbalizing hidden or secret feelings. Opalite is also beneficial for business and business success. Physically, Opalite boosts the sex drive and can enhance sexual experience, and is an all-around healing stone. Opalite is associated primarily with the third eye chakra



     Purple Fluorite is a third-eye stone bringing rationality to the intuitive qualities. It also brings an orderly connection and conscious association to both psychic and spiritual growth.


     Pyrite possesses a defending quality and acts as a shield from negative energy. It is a unique protector. It also encourages a flawless ideal of health, intellect and emotional well-being. It assists one in seeing behind facades.


    Quartz Crystal


     Quartz is known as the "stone of the mind". It is excellent for focusing energies and for focusing direction. Used to help concentrate, quartz is an excellent source of increased mental abilities. Probably the most versatile multi-purpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store information or energy in, program or amplify energy and heal with. It can both draw and send energy.



     Rose quartz promotes unconditional love, affection, peace and harmony. It has a calming and cooling energy, removing negativity. Its energy is soft and silky, making it known as the "stone of gentle love". Rose quartz promotes unconditional love, affection, peace and harmony. It has a calming and cooling energy, removing negativity. Its energy is soft and silky, making it known as the "stone of gentle love". Amethyst is the stone of meditation and is useful in spiritual healing. It is also known as the "stone of spirituality and contentment. It has been used throughout time as an aid in promoting sobriety. It also enhances cooperation, imparting a soothing, calming and tranquilizing influence. Keeping a piece by the bedside is believed to facilitate peaceful and insightful dreams.


     Rutilated quartz intensifies the energies of the quartz crystal. Quartz is known as the stone of the mind. It is excellent for focusing energies and for focusing direction. Used to help concentrate, quartz is an excellentsource of increased mental abilities. Rutile is used for healing and balancing the aura by repelling negative energy. It is the stone for stabilizing relationships.



     Smokey quartz is used to gently dissolve negative energies, relieve barriers and clear mental channels. It is an excellent grounding stone, enhancing attentiveness. It also acts a protective stone and promotes personal pride and joy in living



     Rubies stimulate the heart chakra and assist one in the attainment of ones ultimate values. It stimulates the loving emotional side toward nurturing, spiritual wisdom, health and knowledge. It is known as the "stone of nobility" and is an excellent shielding stone.


     Selenite provides for clarity of the mind, expanding awareness of the self and one's surroundings. It is said to assist in visual imagery during meditative states by rubbing the mineral between the thumb and forefinger. It is said to provide flexibility to ones nature and strength to ones decisions.



     The color associated with the throat chakra is Blue. Blue is the symbol of inspiration, devotion, infinity and religious goals. It produces calm and peace. The throat chakra is the focusing point of the spoken word, and the expression of feelings via communication.

    Sodalite provides for direction of purpose with lightness of heart. An excellent stone for groups as it provides fellowship and solidarity, companionship and mutual dependence. It encourages truthfulness and trust in others.

     Sodalite is associated with the thyroid. It is perfect in a necklace. Wear it when you want to loose a few pounds. It helps in communicating and will give confidence to speak more.



     Flashing a shiny, silvery gray appearance, often with a faint iridescence, stibnite is used to keep away the intrusive.....used in meditation; it facilitates an undistracted entry into meditative states. It enhances the

     meditative state and acts as a protective energy field. It is the "stone to stabilize one's economy", promoting ones ability to satisfy ones needs. It is also used to eliminate tenacious clinging in relationships. Acts as a protective shield. A necessity for any healing kit.



    Apophyllite (clear crystal formations) is said to create a conscious connection between the physical and spiritual realms. It allows one to recognize and act upon the truth. It facilitates astral travel providing a clear, definite connection. Stilbite provides for a powerful loving energy so necessary in healing. It also provides a grounding energy. Okenite provides a feeling of "going home". It acts to purify and cleanse the chakras. It promotes stamina and an open mind to all endeavors.

    Zeolite is soft and stunning and glimmering with light. This is an excellent piece for Reiki Healing.



     Quartz is known as the stone of the mind. It is excellent for focusing energies and for focusing direction. Used to help concentrate, quartz is an excellent source of increased mental abilities. Probably the most versatile multi-purpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store information or energy in, program or amplify energy and heal with. It can both draw and send energy. In addition to these qualities, the Tibetan Quartz Crystal is used to bring knowledge concerning healing and spirituality. Carrying the crystal is said to induce a total centering of the self. They are also a very strong protector, putting up an automatic shield against negative energy.


     Tiger Eye is helpful for individuals seeking clarity and for those who must deal intelligently with the scattered details which must be brought together into some pattern. It can be used to enhance psychic ability, best adapted to "earthy" people. At the base chakra, it can help to discipline sexual and emotional life, bringing "light" to instances where one must be practical. It brings strength of character, banishing fears related to self. It helps to become practical and of discrete mind, as well as more grounded. It can eliminate the "blues" and bring brightness and optimism to the user. It further prompts the admirations for the pure and beautiful. It tends to bring awareness of ones personal needs as well as the needs of others. It produces soothing vibrations, generating a calmness to unsettled turmoil, and allowing one to enjoy the actions of being unfenced and uninhibited.



     Turquoise strengthens and aligns all the chakras, elevating and attuning their energy. It is excellent for spiritual attunement, healing and cleansing. It is valuable for grounding and facilitates a "no mind" meditative state. Turquoise is a healer of the spirit

    Topaz is a powerful stone in the way that quartz is. It is a balancing and calming stone that balances emotions, releases tension, balances emotions, and can bring joy. Topaz is also believed to bring success and good fortune, and synchronicity. It is also used for protection, particularly protection from the evil eye and greed. It also is said to bring creativity, individuality, true love, and hope. Spiritually it brings in spiritual love and peace. Physically, topaz aids with gout, blood disorders, hemorrhages, poor appetite, tissue regeneration, tuberculosis, aging (reverses), endocrine system

       Gold Topaz Tissue regeneration. Strengthens liver, gallbladder, spleen, digestive organs, nervous system. Detoxifies body. Warming, awakening, inspiring. Abundance.  Chakra(s): navel crown.

      Blue Topaz
      Blue topaz brings leadership ability to anyone who wears or carries it. It also enhances and improves psychic knowledge, spiritual growth, and psychic insight. It also lends and air of tranquility in those endeavors. Aids in Tissue regeneration, Strengthens thyroid gland, enhances metabolism. Emotional balance. Cooling, soothing, peace, tranquillity. Creativity, self-expression, Enhances psychic perception, communication with Higher Self/ Spirit Guides. Chakra(s) heart, throat, third eye.


     Tourmaline is used to attract inspiration, to diminish fear and encourage self-confidence. It is believed to bring healing powers to the user and provide protection. It is also used to stimulate the balance between the right and left sides of the brain.

    Green Tourmaline helps to teach the user the way of "seeing with the heart". It possesses masculine energy but contains a quality of compassion. It transforms negative energy to a positive state.


    Watermelon Tourmaline is the "Super Activator" of the Heart Chakra.  It stimulates, energizes and connects one to the Heart Chakra of the higher-Self.  It helps one to see the humor in and the benefit of life's experiences (whether painful or otherwise). It helps to diminish emotionalism and enhances cooperative effort and inspires tact in all situations.





     A barnacle crystal is covered in part by smaller crystals. The larger crystal being the "old soul" having the wisdom that attracts the younger souls. They provide insight to family and/or community problems. An excellent crystal for those employed in a 'service' organization. They help to stimulate group cohesiveness and a willingness to work together. This is a wonderful crystal to give someone experiencing the loss of a loved one.


     Known for is large 7-sided face in the center front and the triangular face located on the opposite side, the channeling crystal is a valuable piece to any collection. The "seven" of the one face represents precision within the intuitive realm of the higher mind. The three-sided face provides for creative and innovative verbalization of inner truths. Directions for proper use of this crystal can be found in Melody's "LOVE IS IN THE EARTH".


     Crystals with tiny crystals growing inside the larger crystal are very good for people who have had traumatic childhoods, physically or emotionally. They are helpful for releasing blocked emotions and at the same time shielding the user from the pain often associated with releasing repressed emotions.


     Double terminated crystals have points on both ends, allowing energy to flow readily in both directions, especially useful when you need to share or exchange energy.


     Generator points have six crystal faces meeting at a terminated apex. They are useful in magnification of energy of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. They are used to cleanse the chakras and are useful in all healing situations.


     A grounding crystal is known for its eight edges surrounding the largest sloping face. They are quite rare and assist in developing the ability to deal with practical matters in a realistic way. They connect you with the ground to prevent a scattering of your energies, help you think and express yourself clearly. They compel you to deal with the truth.



     An Isis crystal has five edges surrounding the largest sloping face. These crystals strongly amplify the feminine energy, helping one to get in touch with the unselfish side of yourself, whether you are male or female. They are very useful in balancing male-female energy. They are an excellent piece to have if your are healing.


     The Key Quartz Crystal is recognized by a three-sided or six-sided indented shape that becomes narrower as it goes within the crystal. It is used to unlock the 'doors' to the healing concepts and to those aspects of the self that are often elusive.


     The Phantom crystal has an impurity, often another mineral, dropped on it, and then continues to grow around the impurity, engulfing it. These crystals are very helpful in dealing with emotioal or mental pain or anquish. Just sitting with the crystal in hand often is all it takes to relieve the pain.


     Rainbow crystals are a very special gift from the spirit-keeper of the crystal. They are especially good as meditation crystals for working deep within the subonscious. The possess and produce the full spectrum of color, the white light of healing being dispersed into the individual rays of the rainbow. These are wonderful crystal for work on any of the chakras. They work particularly well to lighten the mood for those experiencing sadness, grief or depression. They draw negativity from a room or a particular situation.


     Record keepers have a pyramid shaped intention or elevation that appears to be etched on one of the sloping faces. They are fairly rare and are meant solely for the person who first senses the elevation or indent. They deal with specific lessons to be learned and should pass from your hands to another once the lesson is learned.


     Self-healed crystals have been broken off or damaged quite badly but begin to grow again. They help one to heal from the hurt of emotional injuries and come into ones life usually at just the right moment.



     Twin crystals have two terminations at the same end with both parts of the crystal parallel to each other. They are wonderful crystals to use when dealing with relationships, to help gain valuable insight. A twin with a rainbow is VERY effective to project healing energy into a relationship.


     The window crystal has a small diamond shaped face which replaces the corner where two of the parallel faces usually meet. They are introspection crystals, helping one to see inside oneself. They aid in bringing things to the surface so that they can be effectively dealt with. They are often referred to as 'windows to the soul' and it is believed that when one comes into your hands, it was intended to help you specifically.



    Properties of Crystal Pendants Excerpted from:

    Love is in the Earth    by Melody

    Click to purchase Love in the Earth

Click to purchase " The Crystal Bible" by Judy Hall

Click to purchase " The Book of Stones" by


Legal Notice:

Please be advised that unless medically qualified a Crystal Therapy practitioner is unable to make clinical diagnosis. It should also be noted that alternative therapies are not a substitute for professional medically prescribed treatment, but are complementary to any such treatments. Please consult your doctor if you think you have a condition that may require medical attention.
Please also note that, although it is my own belief that crystals have a therapeutic value, it is unfortunately not yet an accepted, scientifically proven fact. Therefore no actual claims can be made as to the beneficial qualities of crystals, or the effectiveness of Crystal therapies.


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